Monday, September 20, 2010

Day 45: Wife

It used to be ok to be a wife. In today's world less and less women want to be wives. Men certainly don't want to be the wife and for good reason. Wives are disadvantaged when compared to unmarried women in almost every social category measurable. Wives have less money, are more likely to die a violent death, more likely to abuse alcohol and drugs, more likely to battle depression and more likely to commite suicide. In comparison men seem to benefit from marriage. Married men live longer, enjoy more profession success, make more money, lead happier, healthier lives. The imbalance in marriage is unfortunate and speaks to a greater underlying gender inequality in the world. I don't always agree with the issues of the feminist movement but I think there is little doubt that the fight is necessary.

Day 44: "Because I said so"

In response to a child's question "why?" it used to be ok for a parent to respond "because I said so!". Fortunately, like other marginalized members of society, women, disabled people, visible minorities, children too have been recently granted full human status and consequently patronizing responses like "because I said so" are no longer acceptable. What's next letting women vote.

Monday, September 6, 2010

Day 43: Homemade Presents

It used to be OK for Grandma's to give homemade knit sweaters at Christmas. Now even Granny is giving up the needles and bending to the pressures of the latest designer fashions.

Wouldn't it be a better world if Grandma's crazy Christmas sweater and the pinnacle of high fashion were one in the same?

Friday, September 3, 2010

Day 42: Famous

It used to be ok to want to grow up to be a fireman or a doctor even a teacher. Today kids want to grow up to be famous.

A recent study reveals a seismic shift in career aspirations within the space of a single generation.The study reveals that for many of today’s pre-teens, traditional careers have been superseded by the desire for fame, stardom and celebrity.

I don't think I would have any real problem with this if the kids wanted to be famous doctors or famous scientists. But it disturbs me that famous is the career rather then the result of a successful career.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Day 41: Potty Time

It used to be OK to coerce, coax, bribe, persuade, entice and even mildly scold your children to use the potty. Today's parent is told to wait until the child is ready. Without bribery I've got nothing.