Friday, July 9, 2010

Day 12:Use a clothesline

Although many of the younger generation would think this is referring to a wrestling move, it used to be okay to hang your laundry out on the clothesline. Developers and communities began banning laundry lines to improve the image of their neighborhoods, as laundry hanging out was a sign of the working class, those unable to afford expensive dryers, and people found it offensive to see there neighbors gotch on the line. Considering that the dryer is the second largest consumer of electrical energy in the home it has now become an environmental rights issue, with states and provinces now passing anti-clothesline ban legislation and documentaries being filmed about laundry line rebellions. Now that so many communities have regained the right to dry the way they want, night classes will need to be offered to show new laundry liners how to safely use clothespins.

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