Monday, July 12, 2010

Day 13: Failing

It used to be OK to fail a student if they did not meet the minimum academic requirements in a given school year. This is a tough one as I agree with both sides of this argument. I do believe that curriculum is only part of what you learn at school and that the social acclimation component is as, if not more, important. Holding a kid back a year may have a significant negative affect on his or her social education which could effect them for their entire lives. I also, however, cringe to imagine how my formal education and subsequently my adult life would have progressed without the fear of real consequence. I struggled through periods of my education as most people do and it wasn't until 3rd year University that things really started to come together. Without the fear and social consequences of failing I don't expect I would have ever made it to 3rd year. Apparently failing doesn't even happen in University anymore.

I think adversity is a necessary part of growing up. As a parent I would like to shield my children from all difficulties even though I know this would only be doing them harm. Facing difficulties allows a person to sort out the tools they will eventually need to succeed in life. The difficulties are an important part of what makes us who we are. So I guess I vote for consequences even the harsh ones like being held back a grade.

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