Friday, July 2, 2010

Day 5: Playing Outside

It used to be OK to let your kids outside to play. Spring, summer, winter and fall we played outside all day most days. At least that's how I remember it.

If we weren't organizing a road hockey game or digging tunnels in the snow banks we were throwing rocks at a wasps nest or building jumps for our bikes or wandering around the woods piecing together weather beaten fragments of adult magazines.

According to Statistics Canada after increasing through the 60’s, 70’s and 80’s crime rates in Canada have been falling for the last 20 years (30% reduction since 1991). This reduction in crime includes non-parental child abduction rates, which have been going down since the 80’s. So if the chances of your child being killed in a car accident are 1000 times greater the chances of them being abducted by a strange man looking for his “lost dog” why are we giving our kids less and less room to roam while at the same time the number of speed related car accidents raises annually. An intriguing issue of perception far to complicated a subject for this blog.

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