Friday, July 16, 2010

Day 17: Sneezing

It used to be OK to sneeze in public. I sneezed in an elevator the other day and if looks could kill the four passengers I was riding with would have widowed my wife (the toll of my death has obviously not been kind to my beautiful wife, photo left).

I sneezed into my half bent arm at the elbow as is the current protocol. Perhaps we should all start carrying handkerchiefs as is suggested in this 1953 public service announce film targeting rude sneezing in public.

I understand the reasoning for sneezing responsibly in public but I think a little more tolerance might make sense. After all sneezing is an involuntary reflex. As our lives get more and more sterile medical science warns that in our current hyper-germ-phobic state we may actually be breeding stronger and stronger bugs while weakening our own defenses.

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