Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Day 23: Sun Tanning

It used to be OK to Sun Tan. As a kid I remember walking home from school and people would be laying out in the sun tanning. They even made extended adjustable lawn chairs for tanning that came as one of the types of chairs in most patio sets.

I guess these chair-beds still exist only now we slather on SPF 60 before laying down.

Or we cover with an umbrella.

When was the last time you someone tanning in a movie? I don't think they made an 80's romantic comedy without a tanning scene. Either the woman was tanning as part of her "reconnect with herself" day after the break up or the neighborhood kids were pulling a prank on the unsuspecting tanning girls.

As seen in this public service announcement being out in the sun can be dangerous, although I'm not sure I would consider getting wrinkles a "health problem"!

Skin cancer is the most common type of cancer and if left undetected can lead to more serious and life threatening cancers fairly quickly. The good news is that rates of skin cancer in Canada have been declining by 1% annually since 2000 in women and 2001 in men.

Once again women have proven themselves better informed and more open to change then men. It took the men a year of nagging to put on sun screen and still I need my wife to apply it because I don't like getting my hands greasy (sad but true).

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