Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Day 9: Leave your kids in the car

It used to be okay to leave your kids in the car to run in to the store or even to have a quick drink with the boys. Section 17 (2) g) of the Child and Family Services Act states that a child under the age of 12 years, is not to be left unattended without reasonable provision being made for the supervision and safety of the child. I don't think that means having a 4 year old watch his 1 year old sister in a parked car with the window cracked. Safety advocates are reporting that deaths from hyperthermia have been more prevalent since the mid-1990s when drivers were first required to put their children in the back seat, where they are safer in transit but more likely to be forgotten. I can't imagine the horror of accidently leaving your child in a car on a hot day, but to purposely plan to leave them there baffles me.

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