Thursday, July 15, 2010

Day 16: Taking Your Time

It used to be OK to take your time, to take time for yourself, even to do nothing. Now we are all so connected with information and each other that we have no time. I'm checking work messages while I eat breakfast, taking calls while I ride my mountain bike, looking at data and making decisions during dinner.

Even in the shower my time is measured and I'm being asked to be even more productive by new hair and body wash.

Dial® for Men
Hair + Body
Here’s a shortcut any guy will appreciate – a liquid soap that gets your hair and body clean, without extra bottles or steps. Get clean, conditioned hair and skin in a single step. To give you more time for more manly stuff.

I'm not sure I even had this problem until Dial came along to solve it. Is the 2.5 seconds it takes for me to grab a different bottle pop the lid and squeeze shampoo into my hand really cutting into my free time.

"Where were you? I called your cell...I sent you a text.... your facebook status says your home....why didn't you answer my tweet.....I finally emailed you....what's up???"

"Sorry I was in the shower trying to think of some manly things to do with the 2.5 seconds of spare time I gained with my new Dial body wash."

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